Street Time
Street Time is the inspirational real-world-insight event that every retail team should experience. I’m so confident of its value that I offer clients the option to tear up our invoice if they don’t agree that it’s been inspiring and worthwhile.
Usually run as a one-day event for small teams, Street Time puts delegates out onto the streets (and online) right into the best and worst customer experiences. It disects and then shows, through practical experience, exactly why one retail idea works where another doesn’t.
Each Street Time is structured around the client’s specific challenge or opportunity. The event then works to explore best-practice, history, strategies and ideas relevant to that challenge and finishes with a tailored exercise in which teams compete to create the best solutions.
I’ve run Street Time for senior management teams from the likes of BP, Hotel Chocolat, B&Q and Sony – through to mass events such as hosting 70 of Kingfisher’s global brightest and best in Warsaw. We’ve run Street Time all over Europe, even once had Peter Jones live-review the results, and always been humbled and delighted by client feedback.
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